Gerald Scarfe, renowned British artist and caricaturist, has lent his name and artistic vision to the bar, where a collection of his amusing and conversation-provoking paintings adorn the marble walls.
Scarfes Bar is inspired by the atmosphere of a drawing room and the sophistication of a gentleman's club, featuring a roaring fire, low-key lighting, a collection of cosy velvet armchairs and shelves filled with more than 1,000 antique books hand-picked by a portobello antique dealer.
To complement the live jazz six nights a week, Scarfes Bar hosts bi-weekly cabaret evenings on Sundays, bringing a touch of mayhem to Midtown.
This content has been supplied by Scarfes Bar
Opening Times
Monday - Sunday 5pm to late
- General Facilities
- Free WiFi
- Payment Facilities
- Free entry