18 Stafford Terrace: Linley Sambourne House

Kensington and South Kensington


18 Stafford Terrace: Linley Sambourne House

18 Stafford Terrace
W8 7BH
+44 (0)20 7602 3316
[email protected]
Public transport:
Turn left out of the station and walk along the High Street taking a right into Phillimore Gardens and turn second right into Stafford Terrace or Argyll Rd and turn second



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Home of Linley Sambourne, chief political cartoonist of Punch. Unique survival of a town house, complete with furnishing and decoration, which reflect the artistic taste of the period (1880s). Cartoons, pictures and photographs by Sambourne and friends. The house featured in the Merchant Ivory films 'A Room With A View' and 'Maurice', and in the BBC film 'The Enchanted April'.

Prices and opening times

Concession Ticket £5.00 to £8.00 per ticket
Adult Ticket £5.00 to £12.00 per ticket

Opening Times

18 Stafford Terrace is open Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.

Wednesdays and Sundays 11:00 - conventional tours. Pre-booking essential.

Saturdays 11:00 - costumed guided tours. Pre-booking essential.

Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays 14:00 - 17:30 - open access, no need to pre-book.