
Admiral of the Fleet, Sir David Beatty standing between the guns of 'Y' turret on the quarterdeck of his flagship HMS Queen Elizabeth. © National Maritime Museum, London

A boxing contest aboard HMS Queen Elizabeth (1913). The boxing ring has been set up on the port side of the shelter deck just forward of the mainmast. The officiating officers are Chaplain the Rev H G Rorison MA and Commander F A Beasley. © National Maritime Museum, London

© National Maritime Museum, London
Mark 100 years since the major naval clash with Jutland 1916: WWI’s Greatest Sea Battle exhibition at the National Maritime Museum Greenwich.
The exhibition recounts the story of the great battle and its aftermath, through both German and British perspectives. Examine all the action of a battle that involved an incredible 279 ships, and feast your eyes on photographs, paintings, ship models and items made by the sailors.
Uncover stories that have never before been told, while marvelling at personal accounts that will teach you about what it was like to live during the First World War.
Admission | Free |