The Young Vic is the country's leading home for younger theatre artists, especially directors. They present seasons of work by new directors in tandem with productions by some of the great directors of the world.
Conceived in the 1960s spirit of iconoclasm and improvisation, it opened in 1970 as a place in which younger directors, designers, actors, writers and technicians could work alongside the world's great theatre artists to present exciting productions at the lowest possible seat prices.
Its intimate auditorium, built cheaply with a rough, light-industrial feel, reinforced by low prices, created in concrete a dream of the inclusive, class-free society to which its originators aspired.
Over the last 40 years, the company has established a powerful reputation at home and abroad. In particular, the Young Vic has begun to be recognised as the major theatre in this country in which young directors can develop and practise their art.